Price Points | Omnia Retail

Meet the Team: Yaza

Written by Omnia Retail | Jun 14, 2022 7:19:56 AM

Yazah Wainakh

Company Role:
Software Developer


What do you do at Omnia Retail?
Supporting the Frontend part of Omnia products. Mainly trying to create an enjoyable and fruitful experience for our customers :)

What is something people in your industry have to deal with that you want to fix?
I think there is a general misconception when it comes to Frontend development, where mostly it is thought of as creating user interfaces and fixing colors and alignments. While UI is at the core of our responsibilities, there is, on the other hand, a lot that goes on behind the scenes that enables a web page to look and behave as you see it. From data structuring, processing, storing to ensuring a high quality performance, all are parts of a frontend developer’s toolkit.

What is your past experience, of working in your position?
I studied Software Engineering in three different countries between Bachelor and Masters, naming Syria, Jordan and Germany. This enabled me to see how people from different backgrounds address issues and handle challenges..
I have worked in different part-time jobs while studying, varying from software development to research assistance. Then I landed my first full-time job at Patagona (now Omnia).

What do you like about working at Omnia Retail so far?
The transparency within Omnia. The friendly environment where one can speak-up their mind freely. The support among the team members to learn and grow, because at the end of the day a team is only as strong as its least experienced member. It is therefore essential to participate in the growth of each team-member.

What are the values that drive you?
Compassion, Integrity, Determination, Self-growth.

What are your top-3 favorite books?
- The sky wept fire - by Mikail Eldin
- The power of now - by Eckhart Tolle
- Outliers - by Malcolm Gladwell

What do you enjoy doing when you are not working?
I enjoy a nice walk in nature, spending time with family and friends, and I always have a book nearby to be explored. Currently “still” trying to learn German. Also, a tv-show is mostly to slip in here and there.

Let’s end with your favorite quote!
I will share two quotes that pop a lot in my head,
“Happiness is an inside job” by William Arthur Ward
”If you don't like where you are, move! You are not a tree” by Jim Rohn