Promotional Terms and Conditions
Below you will find Omnia Retail's Standard Terms and Special Terms and Conditions of Promotions and Promotions for G2
Effective date July 25, 2022

Standard Terms and Conditions of Promotions
Please read these Standard Terms and Conditions of Promotions and the corresponding Special Terms and Conditions of Promotions carefully.
Article 1 - Definitions
1. "Promotion" - Promotional competition or promotional action, as described in the Special Terms and Conditions of Promotions.
2. "Promotion area" - The territory where the Promotion takes place.
3. "Promotion period" - The period the Promotion runs, as provided for in the Special Terms and Conditions of Promotions.
4. "Terms and Conditions of Promotions" - These Standard Terms and Conditions of Promotions, the Special Terms and Conditions of Promotions and any additional terms and conditions and provisions that Omnia Retail B.V announced before or during the Promotion on its website, Third-Party Providers, Affiliates or marketing channels.
5. "Special Terms and Conditions" Take precedence over Standard Terms and Conditions of Promotions in case of a difference between the two.
6. "Special Terms and Conditions of Promotions" - The Special Terms and Conditions of Promotions form an inseparable part of these Standard Terms and Conditions of Promotions and are published together with the Promotion by Omnia Retail B.V.
7. "Participant" - The person who participates in the Promotion and who is entitled to do so based on these Standard Terms and Conditions of Promotions.
8. "Omnia Retail B.V." - with its registered office at Prins Bernhardplein 200,
1097 JB Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
9. "Benefit" - Any benefit that is obtained during a promotion, including a prize, a cashback or a gift, such as described in the Special Terms and Conditions of Promotions. If it concerns a competition, the winner is the Participant who is awarded a prize in the way determined in the Special Terms and Conditions of Promotions.
10. "Website" - The website that is used in the framework of the Promotion.
Article 2 - Participation
1. Every natural person with a permanent residence of domicile in the promotion area, who is older than 18 at the time of participation, may participate in the Promotion. Omnia Retail B.V. is entitled to ask for proof.
2. The Participant must have an existing e-mail address and address in the promotion area. Participants who use an incomplete or fictitious e-mail address, address and/or names may be excluded from participation by Omnia Retail B.V.
3. Employees of Omnia Retail B.V., all persons who are involved directly or indirectly with the Promotion, its organisation, or the benefit, or the direct or indirect provider of the benefit and their respective employees, are excluded from participation.
4. In the event of misuse, fraud, manipulation, circumvention or a breach of the terms and Conditions of Promotions, Omnia Retail B.V. is entitled to exclude participants or groups of participants. Omnia Retail B.V. is entitled to do this on the basis of suspicion and is not bound to inform the Participant or to provide proof.
5. By participating in the Promotion, the Participant states to agree to the terms and Conditions of Promotions.
6. The Participant can only participate in the Promotion during the promotion period and only in the manner described in the Special Terms and Conditions of Promotions. If the Participant submits his entry late, early, in a way other than the prescribed manner, or otherwise incomplete, he shall be excluded from participation without further notice.
7. There are no costs or conditions associated with participation, except insofar as provided otherwise in the Special Terms and Conditions of Promotions.
8. The participant states and guarantees that the entry material that he/she makes available to Omnia Retail B.V. in the framework of a Promotion is not unlawful and not in breach of the law. In particular, the Participant states and guarantees explicitly that the entry material does not breach intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties and is not injurious, insulting, racist, offensive, libellous, discriminating or otherwise in breach of good taste or decency and is not and cannot be misleading or unlawful in any way. If Omnia Retail B.V. believes this to be suitable or necessary in its own free opinion due to one of the aforementioned reasons or any other valid reason, Omnia Retail B.V. may refuse or remove the entry material without consultation with or consent from the Participant.
9. The Participant transfers all current and future intellectual property rights and other rights to the entry material explicitly and unconditionally to Omnia Retail B.V. ;
- for as long as the relevant rights apply,
- to the extent permitted by law. Omnia Retail B.V. may use and license the entry material worldwide and without restrictions by means of every conceivable medium after the expiry of the promotion period,
- the Participant waives every right to compensation in connection with the entry material and its transfer.
10. Only during the promotion period may the participant request Omnia Retail to remove his entry material, following which the relevant entry material will be removed as soon as possible. This request leads to a declaration of invalidity of the participation in the framework of which the entry material was transferred. The relevant Participant will no longer be eligible for the Benefit for that participation.
11. If a participant participated in the Promotion in breach of the terms and Conditions of Promotions, Omnia Retail B.V. reserves the right to designate a new winner for the relevant Benefit and/or the exclude the Participant from this Promotion or any subsequent promotions. Omnia Retail is not obliged to note that the Benefit has become null and void.
12. Participation by means of certain scripts, systems, automated functions, or other methods that increase the chances of winning is prohibited.
Article 3 - The Benefit
1. The Benefit is strictly personal, non-exchangeable for goods and/or services and not transferrable without written permission from Omnia Retail B.V. ectly.
Article 4 - Exclusion of Liability
1. Omnia Retail B.V. is not in any way liable for costs and additional expenses a Participant would have to incur in connection with the payment or use of the Benefit.
2. Except for gross negligence or intent, Omnia Retail B.V., its employees, associates or third parties are not liable for damage caused by the payment or use of the Benefit or the Participant's participation in the Promotion.
3. Except for gross negligence or intent, Omnia Retail B.V., its employees, assistants or third parties are not liable for damage caused by faults of whichever nature in the software, computer, network, the internet that caused the entry of the Participant to be received late, poorly, delayed or not at all by Omnia Retail or its third parties.
4. Omnia Retail B.V. does not provide any guarantee concerning the paid Benefit and excludes every liability, except for gross negligence or intent, in that regard. Omnia Retail B.V. is not liable for;
- any defects to the Benefit,
- if the Benefit is received later than announced,
- received by the wrong person,
- or was lost or damaged during its shipment or
- if the Benefit or replacement Benefit deviates from the offered Benefit on subordinate points.
5. Omnia Retail B.V. is not responsible or liable in the event of fraud by participants.
The member is exclusively liable for the content of the entry material that he makes available in the framework of the Promotion.
6. Omnia Retail B.V. cannot be liable for this in any event. The Participant shall indemnify Omnia Retail B.V. against any claim by a third party in connection with the content of the entry material submitted by the Participant.
Article 5 - Privacy
1. The personal details that are provided by the Participant to Omnia Retail B.V. in the framework of this Promotion are subject to the applicable national legislation regarding privacy. In its capacity as the party responsible for processing, Omnia Retail shall only process these details for purposes that promote the proper progress of the Promotion, own market research and direct marketing, and for purposes referred to in Article 3. Within the framework of the aforementioned purposes, the personal details may be passed on to one or more entities of the group to which Omnia Retail belongs or in the event of a statutory obligation or following a request from the police or judicial authorities. Personal details shall not be given or sold to third parties. In some cases, the user may provide these personal details through his account with social media, such as Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram. In that case, Omnia Retail B.V. shall only process those details obtained by means of social media that are necessary to realise the aforementioned purposes.
2. Every Participant may exercise his statutory right to access, improve, or oppose the use of personal details for direct marketing free of charge by sending a written, signed and dated request to that effect, together with a copy of his proof of identity to Omnia Retail, through standard post to Omnia Retail, Prins Bernhardplein 200, 1097 JB Amsterdam.
Article 6 - Complaints
1. Anybody with questions, complaints or comments may turn to Omnia Retail Customer Services at the e-mail address or telephone number included in the Special Terms and Conditions of Promotions. Customer Services can also be contacted at the e-mail address or
Article 7 - Final Provisions
1. Omnia Retail B.V. is entitled to amend these terms and Conditions of Promotions, without stating reasons, or to cancel the Promotion, if, in the light of statutory or regulatory provisions or interpretations thereof by government bodies, the Promotion cannot be continued or cannot be continued unchanged, if the further implementation of the Promotion is actually or otherwise impossible or impossible under the same conditions or if the circumstances concerning the Promotion have changed to such an extent that its continued progress involves unreasonable or disproportionate extra costs or difficulties for Omnia Retail. The most recent version of these Terms and Conditions of Promotions can be consulted on the website throughout the Action period.
2. The content of the terms and conditions is under reservation of clerical errors and interpretation. It is not possible to derive any rights from clerical errors or mistakes by Omnia Retail B.V.
3. These Terms and Conditions of Promotions are governed by the law of the Promotion area determined in the Special Terms and Conditions of Promotions, if the promotion area comprises several countries, it is governed by the law of the domicile of the Participant, being: the Netherlands.
Special Terms and Conditions of Promotions For G2
Please read these Special Terms and Conditions of Promotions for the corresponding Promotions carefully. G2 Inc. Terms can be found here.
Omnia Dynamic Pricing G2 Book Club Promotion
Promotion Period: 2022-07-29 to the 2022-08-29
1. This Promotion is promoted on behalf of G2 peer-to-peer review site for Omnia Retail B.V, a company with headquarters at Prins Bernhardplein 200, 1097 JB Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
2. This Promotion is by email invitation only and indented for users of Omnia Retail Software as a Service (SaaS), and from here on in referred to as the "Participant".
3. The Promotion will start on the 29th of July 2022 and end on the 29tht of August 2022 at 11:59 pm.
4. The condition for entry is to provide a complete and comprehensive G2 review of the Omnia SaaS product offering, including their full name, job title and company.
5. By entering this Promotion, Participants agree that their name and entry may be used across our marketing channels and networks for the purpose of;
- Announcing the recipients and/or any related publicity by Omnia Retail, without additional payment or permission.
6. Any personal information you give us will be used solely for this Promotion and will not be passed on to any other parties without your agreement.
7. All entries that meet the criteria of the Promotion (4.) will receive the Promotional giveaway; and will be notified within two weeks from the end of the promotional period.
8. The Promotion giveaway will consist of a book bundle, compliments of the Omnia Book Club, delivered to the Participant.
9. Omnia Retail reserves the right to exchange or substitute any/or all of the titles in the bundle for alternates if necessary.
10. The Participant is responsible for providing Omnia Retail with a fixed address to ship the prize to within one calendar month from the first notice, or the Promotion giveaway will be forfeited.
11. Omnia Retail holds the final decision as to who has met the criteria for the Promotion to be awarded.
12. An external party will perform the delivery on behalf of Omnia Retail.
13. By entering the Promotion, you agree to accept these Terms and Conditions. Any breach of these Terms and Conditions by you will forfeit your entry and thus will not be valid.