Kaufland Dynamic Pricing
Dynamic pricing for Kaufland: A pricing solution that focuses on profit, scalability, and efficiency.
Choose a comprehensive dynamic pricing strategy that prioritises your assortment on Kaufland, as well as price monitoring of major competitors.
Learn more about dynamic pricing for Kaufland.

Product Details:
As a marketplace with more than 5,000 product categories, Kaufland is a hub for both consumers and vendors.
As a major retailer and marketplace across Europe, a pricing strategy for Kaufland is a necessity for achieving your commercial goals.

Omnia is able to:
- Increase your sales and revenue using Omnia dynamic pricing software.
- Easily integrate the software into your shop or ERP system.
- Correctly price your assortment to keep you competitive.
- Actively price and reprice multiple times per day as the market changes. This happens within minutes and is automatic.
- Automate laborious repricing tasks that usually take hours.
- Help you maintain control by setting and adjusting pricing rules based on Kaufland prices or what’s happening in the market.
We know a thing or two about retailers,
marketplaces and their pricing strategies.
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Frequently asked questions
How does dynamic pricing for Kaufland work?
Our pricing software uses in-house scraping, Machine Learning algorithms and your defined pricing rules to calculate the optimal price for your products. New price recommendations are always based on the most accurate state of the market at any given time and the prices of your competitors or resellers on the same platforms. Price changes may take place multiple times a day to keep you achieving your goals and strategies. The software is easily integrated into your shop or ERP system so that the change is instant and seamless.
Price changes may take place multiple times a day to keep you achieving your goals and strategies. The software is easily integrated into your shop or ERP system so that the change is instant and seamless.
See if Omnia is for you
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