The Buy Box dynamic pricing tool
Choose the dynamic pricing tool that’s fit for the job.
Our software utilises AI and Machine Learning, executing a pricing strategy that is data-driven, efficient and focused on growth.
Find out more about our dynamic pricing software and how it uses product and inventory information to determine new prices for your Amazon sales channel.

Product Details:
Your pricing blueprint isn’t complete without a third-party dynamic pricing solution for your Amazon assortment. As one of the leading e-commerce sellers around the world, being able to monitor one's inventory and prices on Amazon is vital.

With Omnia’s platform you are able to:
- Calculate and intelligently optimise your prices for winning the Amazon Buy Box.
- Easily integrate the software into your shop system or ERP system. The integration retrieves and uploads product information from your Amazon seller account listing.
- Correctly price your assortment to keep you competitive.
- Increase your sales and revenue using Omnia dynamic pricing software.
- Actively price and reprice multiple times per day as the market changes. This happens within minutes and is automatic.
- Automate laborious repricing tasks that usually take hours.
- Help you maintain control by setting and adjusting pricing rules based on Amazon prices or any other competitor.

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about your competitors as possible.
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Frequently-asked questions
Is this an Amazon service?
No, Omnia offers pricing software and monitoring services to sellers on Amazon. Omnia acts as a third-party dynamic pricing provider and is not an Amazon product.
How does pricing for Amazon work?
Our software thoroughly vets and scrapes the categories on Amazon that are competitors of your assortment. Using AI and Machine Learning, the repricing tool calculates what your prices should be to remain competitive. This may be a price increase or decrease. The software is easily integrated into your shop system so that the change is instant and seamless.
How does the software optimise for the Amazon Buy Box?
Who comes into the Buy Box at Amazon and thus receives a large part of the orders does not depend solely on the cheapest price: The shop reviews play a role here as well as the question of whether Fulfillment By Amazon (FBA) is offered. Price monitoring can include these factors in the price calculation to determine the maximum price at which you occupy the Amazon Buy Box.
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